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The Chip Board Archive 24

David, oh yeah just looked it up in my California

book and it does list them as Los Angeles.I think when I bought these they were stated to be Palm Springs?been awhile so I don't really recall it all,but bought from the same person around the same time so maybe I just figured they were from there ? I didn't have a California chip book back then and was getting chips and prices kinda in the dark? but was still pursuing some really great chips anyway.Thanks David I probably wouldn't have even seen that for a long time unless to see the referenced above The Cove Palm Springs.The good thing is I now have some real cool chips from Los Angeles I didn't know I even had,very cool and Ill have to see if there are any more from here,Thanks,Torrey

Messages In This Thread

The Cove,Palm Springs chips.
Re: The Cove,Palm Springs chips.
David, thanks for the info,I'll have to see if I
Re: The Cove,Palm Springs chips.
David, oh yeah just looked it up in my California
Bobby Garcia,BG chips,seen in my Ca book !!!
Re: Bobby Garcia,BG chips,seen in my Ca book !!!
Gene,the$1 is white Lrg crown,$5 orange lrg crown
Here are the rest of the 139 club chips as well
Re: Bobby Garcia,BG chips,seen in my Ca book !!!
Tried to reach you...
Phyllis sent email,Torrey

Copyright 2022 David Spragg