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The Chip Board Archive 24

103.50 because . . .

that was the high point of my fever when I caught the measles as a kid. Doctor told my mother to put me in a cold bath and it saved my life. Alternate reason: 103.5 is KISS FM, Boise, Idaho, playin' all the Hits, Baby, ahhhwooooo!

Messages In This Thread

LAST WIN this CHIP before the convention vbg
I think someone will win the BONUS this time grin
$111 is my guess
my guess is $140.00
$34.14 thank you! #8525
Thanks for the mammaries
$157.17 (PhyllisSpagnola R-5866)
$127.77 Thanks for the contest.
$166.11 Roy Klein R-6611
$103 Thanks
103.50 because . . .
$132.22 grin grin
$107.88 Thanks for the fun

Copyright 2022 David Spragg