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The Chip Board Archive 24

If you watch the news on TV

You will get 99% bad news. There is almost never anything positive. It's always.....Beaking News.......Johnny shot the school up!! And never Johnny helped Mrs. Johnson with her groceries!!
Joe is our on the scene Las Vegas reporter. He doesn't make the news...just reports it.
I think he reports more good stuff with his photos than bad stuff.
He reported Rich's graffiti problem, but came right back with it being fixed. He snaps pictures of buildings and signs. Keeps us informed

I think if Joe doesn't win the election for Vice President....then I would like to nominate him......

Our " Club Las Vegas Reporter"...keep on reporting Joe!!

Messages In This Thread

Photo of man ready to jump off golden nugget today
I'm guessing he didn't jump?
They talked him down
Poor guy, what a shame to be that upset.
Re: Poor guy, what a shame to be that upset.
Re: Photo of man ready to jump off golden nugget t
Did it for many years in Chicago
If you watch the news on TV
You mean information like taking a pot shot at the are absolutely
Jay, you are absolutely wrong..........
Well said, Jamison. grin

Copyright 2022 David Spragg