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The Chip Board Archive 24

Doug, I was referring to the Plaques on eBay

High denoms. Sold by tienne. There is a 40.000, 100.000 50.000 plaque all very beautiful and priced from $ $249 to $789 she shows them and sells them every so often, so seems like there are always more available to her anyway.Looks like a nice set to have? But just wondering about them and the questions I've asked, thanks, Torrey

Messages In This Thread

Question about Monaco Plaques ?
Torrey, you need to be more specific.
Doug, I was referring to the Plaques on eBay
Torrey, the lower denominations seem to be in
Torrey, here are the ones I bought 4 years ago.
Nice set Doug, do you need the 40.000 one, it's
Re: French Ebay site
Re: French Ebay site as you know
Must be a little tougher as that one was not

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