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The Chip Board Archive 24

Now You Can

I added a new filtering field to the ChipGuide Query Facility - Management Company (MGMTCO). To see all the Elks C&S chips, SELECT BPOE (Benevolent & Protectorate Order of Elks) from the MGMTCO dropdown and C&S from the MOLD dropdown. There are exactly 400 Elks C&S chips on the ChipGuide today.

Messages In This Thread

Playin' around with my chips again... grin
Re: Playin' around with my chips again... grin
Re: Playin' around with my chips again... grin
Re: Playin' around with my chips again... grin
My Only One...
Re: Playin' around with my chips again... grin
On The ChipGuide
Re: On The ChipGuide
Now there is - ROULETTE mold has been added!
thanks charles
Search for other Mold Mnemonics?
Just So You Understand Molds
Only about 90 molds in TCR-16
Re: Search for other Mold Mnemonics?
Can elks club (or BPOE) be add to "Casino Type"?
Re: Can elks club (or BPOE) be add to "Casino Type
Now You Can
Seriously, Charles -- THANK YOU and your admins
ALL very nice, Dick...but that $25 Mint -- WOW! grin
My Two Shus...
And, two more....
grin A few...
Dick, here are some roulettes
Nice! grin
Re: Playin' around with my chips again... grin

Copyright 2022 David Spragg