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The Chip Board Archive 24

Search for other Mold Mnemonics?
In Response To: On The ChipGuide ()

The Chip Rack has a page and a half of defined mold codes. Many of these are not searchable in TheChipGuide. For instance:


There is one code called BJ on TheChipGuide. Is this to be used for any BudJones made chip, regardless of which kind of BJ-mold is actually on the chip? When I query BJ now, I get 148 hits. I'm guessing there are many more BJ chips in the database, probably using some other mnemonic that can't be queried... like DIECAR, for instance.

I'd suggest that an audit of data-elements used in TheChipGuide database is in order. My guess is that many codes are being added when chips are submitted that cannot subsequently be found with a Query. How does an administrator currently know what codes are valid? Does the software check this when he loads a new chip?

TheChipGuide will be a valuable tool for collectors as the database expands. However, GIGO will be a fact a life if we don't establish guidelines for adding data.

Messages In This Thread

Playin' around with my chips again... grin
Re: Playin' around with my chips again... grin
Re: Playin' around with my chips again... grin
Re: Playin' around with my chips again... grin
My Only One...
Re: Playin' around with my chips again... grin
On The ChipGuide
Re: On The ChipGuide
Now there is - ROULETTE mold has been added!
thanks charles
Search for other Mold Mnemonics?
Just So You Understand Molds
Only about 90 molds in TCR-16
Re: Search for other Mold Mnemonics?
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Re: Can elks club (or BPOE) be add to "Casino Type
Now You Can
Seriously, Charles -- THANK YOU and your admins
ALL very nice, Dick...but that $25 Mint -- WOW! grin
My Two Shus...
And, two more....
grin A few...
Dick, here are some roulettes
Nice! grin
Re: Playin' around with my chips again... grin

Copyright 2022 David Spragg