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The Chip Board Archive 24

If you go to the ChipGuide Query Facility

4th under features on the left side of the screen, and pick Caribbean for Region, Aruba for State and Playing Cards for Collectible Type, you will see all of the playing cards from Aruba. I don't think I can link you to the result, but this is my best try:

Michael Siskin

Messages In This Thread

A little shopping in Aruba
And some playing cards...
Thanks Mr&Mrs Smith
I will contact you when I get home 😀
Very nice Excelsior chip! most are really worn
John..I think these are new issues
Mike do u have a link to the card photos?
If you go to the ChipGuide Query Facility
Link just gets you to the ChipGuide Query Facility
Do you have any decks that...
A "little" shopping in Aruba?
Of course Lyle 🤓

Copyright 2022 David Spragg