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The Chip Board Archive 24

Cordova NCV chip - with my luck

they'll tell me, NO transactions or give-aways! We gave one out to some weird-o a week ago and got into lots of trouble with the Boss. But maybe while in Sacaramento* I'll mosey on over to the Cordova and give it a try. Don't think I have a $5 chip to trade. Will have to buy one at a table and sneak over to the cage. That will not be easy.

* Yes, Sacaramento. The Limelight does not lie!

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Re: Palms casino just sold for 312 million
Awwww, I was hoping they'd parcel out the Hooters
Re: Awwww, I was hoping they'd parcel out the Hoot
Cordova NCV chip - with my luck
Your luck is good...but

Copyright 2022 David Spragg