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The Chip Board Archive 24

ccgtcc Convention Volunteers STILL Needed!

OK, we're getting down to the wire and we still need quite a few more volunteers. I have replied back to everyone that expressed interest but just yesterday I heard from someone who has emailed me twice yet received no reply. Sure enough, he was not on the schedule but graciously offered to take two spots (Thanks Jack!)

The schedule must be done & submitted for the program by Wednesday, May 18th. That's less than two weeks to fill 20 more 2-hour positions. If you've already offered to volunteer for one spot, would you consider taking a second? YOU are definitely needed.

Thank you!

2016 Convention Volunteer Coordinator

Messages In This Thread

ccgtcc Convention Volunteers STILL Needed!
My Volunteer Request...
Sent email I will take a couple duties or more
Re: My Volunteer Request...
Re: ccgtcc Convention Volunteers STILL Needed!
Re: ccgtcc Convention Volunteers STILL Needed!
Re: ccgtcc Convention Volunteers STILL Needed!
Re: ccgtcc Convention Volunteers STILL Needed!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg