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The Chip Board Archive 24

Chip Rack,Question revisited

I would also like to ask about values in The Chip Rack.I understand that these are a guide on researched values and popularity of chips that have been around for a long time or new.One thing that I don't understand is that I was told that some values were set on how much a chip was previously sold for? Now if I had say, like Jerry was asking about a Z-2 chip and it sold for $333 it could possibly be lowered in value from $1,600 chip to a $333 chip? To me it is still an $1,600 chip but someone has sold it for less.Now my example,I have been looking at the $100 maroon zig zag 3 grn. Ta Neva Ho chip, it lists as an S value and if you were to look for one it no way sells for $300, everyone is selling this chip in a range from $900 to $2,000 depending on condition or need to get rid of it quicker to make some money faster.I was told that it has been listed as an S because it sold for that much in the past?but the person is still selling it for a $1,000, which I am willing to pay,because I believe it to be Rare and Desirable. I think values should be held due to Rarity and Desirability?I have noticed other chips I find to be rarer with less values in The Chip Rack due to maybe this same reasoning or because more have been found,this I understand,because it drops the rarity of the chip.So I am saying some values are actually to low in The Rack due to Rarity of the chip,versus the conversation,the prices are to high and chips are selling for less.Now if I had a chip with a low book value and I know it is worth a lot more,a person might argue that its not worth that much because the book says so,works both ways I guess.Thanks and People should just realize it is just a guide and values can differ,but I hate to see really rare chips with low book value due to someone selling for a lot less,in my opinion these chips should retain the true value despite this,Torrey

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Chip Rack,Question revisited
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