The Chip Board
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The Chip Board Archive 24

Accuracy on the ChipGuide
In Response To: Re: It's orange ()

The most difficult thing to figure out from a picture of a chip is the actual color. Exposure, lighting, scanner technology and other factors influence the color rendered on an image. It states on the SUBMISSION page to use the COMMENTS box to describe features of the chip that are not apparent in the image, such as the color. Unfortunately, not everyone does that and the Admins are left to guess at the actual color. So please, pretty please with sugar on top, please describe chips colors if they are not accurate in the image. Thanks.

Messages In This Thread

London, Victoria... Is this chip current?....
Re: London, Victoria... Is this chip current?....
Thank you. Do you know if the orange is...
Re: Thank you. Do you know if the orange is...
Re: Same one
Description says: "red".
Re: It's orange
Please don't give up
Accuracy on the ChipGuide
Garin, while I went to change it...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg