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The Chip Board Archive 24

Re: It's orange
In Response To: Description says: "red". ()

Whilst the chip guide does indeed say red it is in fact orange. I'm not sure whether this was also stated in the description I sent but if it was, it would be easy to miss. Just because the chip guide says it is so does not make it right.
I've gave up pointing out errors/corrections a long time ago as I realise that it is a massive job already without corrections being sent constantly.
Just from a cursory glance at the Victoria ones show at least 4 other errors that I can see, offhand.
$1 is brown not orange.
10/- is purple not brown.
£1 yellow (one of) is listed as 1p.
10/- blue jeton is light blue not gray (or grey).
One that still gets me and I have mentioned it until I am blue in the face but to no avail......
Shillings (/-) were like our pence are now so should be listed before £ values logically (same as cents then dollars) but they aren't.
But hey, who cares.
The chip guide is a great site and must be a nightmare to keep right so errors and omissions are bound to happen so......
Oh, and btw just have a quick look at who supplied the picture (and I do still have the chip too).
Thanks, have fun and keep chipping.

Messages In This Thread

London, Victoria... Is this chip current?....
Re: London, Victoria... Is this chip current?....
Thank you. Do you know if the orange is...
Re: Thank you. Do you know if the orange is...
Re: Same one
Description says: "red".
Re: It's orange
Please don't give up
Accuracy on the ChipGuide
Garin, while I went to change it...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg