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The Chip Board Archive 24

for sale Fremont Club, Seaside,CA. Chip*fs*

I have only 2 of these left for sale. I am selling 1 now on Ebay and 1 for $22 shipped to any of you fine collectors who might want one. PayPal with no fees to me, please.
is a very rare Fremont Club non denomimation poker chip from Seaside, CA. The chip is in very nice condition. It's actual color is a redish maroon with a Small Crown mold. The inlay looks like a gold hot stamp. The chip stands on its edge and lays flat. This chip is from the 1950's and not sure when it closed. It operated at 2087 Del Monte Blvd, Seaside, CA. I have only two of these chips remaining. I have been told that these chips are possibly the only ones in circulation.

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for sale Fremont Club, Seaside,CA. Chip*fs*
I bought one from Richard and can vouch that

Copyright 2022 David Spragg