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The Chip Board Archive 24

Catching Excluded Players
In Response To: Re: Agency Fines 4 Casinos ()

At the 2 cages I manage we catch most excluded guests trying to do cash advances on their credit cards, we look them up in CMS and low and behold they are gamproh (that's what we call excluded). Other times we will catch them when cashing in a large amount of chips as we need ID to log MTL transactions for Title 31. And Slots catches most of their gamproh guests when they hit a taxable jackpot. We even have guests abandon taxable jackpots and walk out of the casino, better then getting arrested. We even get some bold enough to put another person up to claim the jackpot, we are pretty good at seeing through that scam. At the Caesar properties, if you put a card in that is for a gamproh, it triggers an alarm in surveillance. We cannot print cards for gamprohs either, system won't let us.

Messages In This Thread

Agency Fines 4 Casinos
Re: Agency Fines 4 Casinos
facial recognition software; known to employees
Re: Agency Fines 4 Casinos
Catching Excluded Players
INteresting info - thanks for posting.
Re: Catching Excluded Players
The answer is never self ban, you might fall back

Copyright 2022 David Spragg