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The Chip Board Archive 24

Gene Trimble Said Something Years Ago That Stuck..

..with me.

I don't remember his exact words, but to paraphrase he said something to the effect of: sometimes people attribute chips from places because it seems to make sense and it is far easier to make assumptions, than search for the actual truth. You have to dig deeper to find out what the actual history was and not wrongly assume that a chip is from a place just because it may appear that way at first glance.

Obviously, I butchered Gene's words, but that concept has stuck with me in chipping over the years..

Messages In This Thread

Metro Cardroom - Escondido
Blurb From the Article..
Could this be the other one ?
Re: Could this be the other one ?
Jim... Very nice I think that when
Gene Trimble Said Something Years Ago That Stuck..
Re: Gene Trimble Said Something Years Ago That Stu
Re: The Metro
Read the Obituary of Leone Marion Hobbs
Re: Read the Obituary of Leone Marion Hobbs
Joel...very cool...dig up some info

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