then the name of the casino where you purchased it should be in the chip somewhere, that would help......
And, after a good scan of front and back with casino name etc. some people may take you serious...the photo has a better shot of your fingers than of the casino...
Or may be easier to find a friend in the USA who knows you well, send him the chip, so that way, with $2.54 postage he can sell it here for $950.00, and if it is a scam (which I know is not) we would know who to put in jail, in this country.
Forgive us if we are just a bit suspicious, but we have all won so many lotteries from that area of the world, we have received so much charity money from that area, we have inherited so many fortunes from dead relatives we never had from that area that the fact nobody has seen a cent of that causes a bit of concern. But do not worry about that, I am sure that as soon as any of that money comes in, whoever gets it buys that chip without any questions.
Any way I am sure that......wait, aren't you guys not supposed to gamble???????????????????