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The Chip Board Archive 24

rburgel (Richard Burgel)

Richard, I see a lot of selling on this open board. I trust you will be renewing your membership, as I sent out a reminder postcard. Looking forward to receiving your renewal.
Richard Huber - Membership Officer.

Messages In This Thread

rburgel (Richard Burgel)
Re: rburgel (Richard Burgel)
this is an open board
Re: this is an open board
Dave, Please point me to one instance where the
Re: Dave, Please point me to one instance where th
Please let me be more specific.....
Re: Please let me be more specific.....
Dave, it appears we are walking in circles here so
Re: Please let me be more specific.....
Re: rburgel (Richard Burgel)
As long as you recruit all posters, no problem....
Mark -- most of the others that post lots
Re: Mark -- most of the others that post lots
Re: rburgel (Richard Burgel)
Happy Easter Everyone!
open board - open recruiting
OMG, A ccgtcc Membership Officer trying to recruit
the horror....the Brando would say

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