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The Chip Board Archive 24

I don't understand Submission to TheChipGuide here

There is a protocol to submit chip images to The Chip Guide. I don't know of a way to submit to TheChipGuide by posting here on TheChipBoard. The administrators need submissions to be accompanied by certain data elements so they know where to put them and how they should be tagged for searching and querying. They also have conventions for size of submissions and photo resolution.

Those who have casino items they would like to add to TheChipGuide should take a look at the submission page:

Note that you also have to certify that you own these images or have permission to use them or the submission will be rejected.

I have a feeling that a lot of the posts here that request having attachments added to The Chip Guide will be wasted effort.

Messages In This Thread

I don't understand Submission to TheChipGuide here
Don, your absolutely correct...
Re: Don, your absolutely correct...
At my age I'm not expected to spell correctly!!!
Re: I don't understand Submission to TheChipGuide
Re: I don't understand Submission to TheChipGuide

Copyright 2022 David Spragg