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The Chip Board Archive 24

Help!! cleaning a chip with ink stain!

Have a GREAT VERY RARE PLAYBOY IN MY COLLECTION, only know of two right now, but it is stained with what appears ink, see below.

The chip is in New condition otherwise, which is even more of a problem as would like to keep the condition.

Anyway..Does anybody knows what to do here? Is it a lost cause?

Does anybody knows anybody who could clean this??

Would appreciate any help!!

Thanks in advance

Messages In This Thread

Help!! cleaning a chip with ink stain!
Good Luck, I've never been
Re: Help!! cleaning a chip with ink stain!
The problem is . . .
Not a deliberate cancellation
Thanks everybody, I will try whatever, if anything
If the chip was mine ~~~
Here's a chip I won't clean
WOW!! What a a keeper!
Re: Help!! cleaning a chip with ink stain!
Re: Help!! cleaning a chip with ink stain!
Re: Help!! cleaning a chip with ink stain!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg