I've been in a rough spot the past few years. Been out of work. I lost my job at Firekeepers when I ask for time off to go back to Texas because my mom was dying of cancer. They wouldn't give me any time off, so I quit. My mom died 22 days later. We had her funeral then I came back for Christmas to Michigan then got a call that my grandmother died and I went back to Texas. I ended up staying for 5 months to watch my grandfather who has Alzheimers until the VA would approve his retirement care. After that I came back to Michigan and tried to get my job back at Firekeepers but they said per a Lance Allen the casino manager that I wasn't eligible for rehire for abandoning my job for personal reasons under my control. When I asked what that meant..Lance replied your mother had cancer not you so that has nothing to do with you. So I've been looking for a decent job since May of 2014. I just got hired on with Pepsi and that looks to be a decent job. How have you been?