After taking a good look at our organization through a formal self assessment... if it was recommended that we go the
route of hiring our first paid employee… our "Executive Director" woohoo… there would need to be a plan in place, they "the 501c3 specialist" would help us with that plan.
First thing would be to celebrate the fact that we have grown to the point that we need an ED…
We will need to define and advertise the position. The current BOD will review applicants and hopefully find an awesome
This person will need to be based in Las Vegas. They will be the front man/woman for the organization. They will work mainly
with the Board Chair and organize our volunteers.
The role of the current BOD would change. Current members would come up with a chair and need to focus more on their efforts in fund raising. That can take many forms but most of their prior work will be off their plates. Some training for current board members may be needed to transition to new positions.
Board committees will be set up for different work/projects.
Eventually the ED will organize all club activities with the help of the Board.
I would recommend that the ED not be a chip collector. It would be great to get a history graduate with a poker habit that has experience as a ED of a 501c3.
For growing the board… That would be as needed. We would need to be strategic about who is asked to join. I see it as
an ask situation. No voting by regular members… only the board members.
A key piece of the puzzle is giving the ED clear measurable tasks with goals that can be measured.
Then… Let them work…
This would be a huge step forward for the organization… members would need to understand that we would be
professionalizing most aspects of the organization and we would need to curb the BS.
Thanks again Steve...