I hope you will accept my sincere apology for any and all harm caused by my comment. In all sincerity, your son's writing does exceed that of an average 12 year old, and I would like to ask that perhaps Carrson might consider this to be a compliment. I understand your anger as a parent, especially given it would appear by your response Carrson's feelings were deeply hurt and perhaps his spirit harmed as a result, which breaks my heart. I understand well how anger may blind us, especially if our child is hurt by seemingly callous behavior on the part of an adult. I would like to say that I made an observation and not a judgment, as I would not do this; however, having said that, I am acutely aware of how that which I wrote was heard by Carsson and I am truly sorry Carrson was hurt as a result.
Your inference or outright statement, providing I read it correctly, that in reading and subsequently responding to Carsson's thread that it should have been easy to figure out your son was who he said he was, I did not at all follow. I am aware of no means in which I, or anyone else for that matter, would be able to come to know who any individual posting on TCB may, in fact, be. In all fairness and at the risk of further offending you, I need to say that this was not warranted. I intend no offense whatsoever, and while many may believe it would have been better left unsaid, you did more than voice your objections and express your displeasure, and with this I am not okay. Again, I am terribly sorry Carrson was hurt. I hope you will accept my sincere apology for my role in this.
Tracey Oswald