... thoughts:
Was glad to finally meet Bob Hermans (aka "B-Bob" as in "B-Bob-a-loola"), our aircraft controlling friend who came the furthest of everyone to attend the convention. Missed him last year because I didn't make it. Bob brought with him a feast of placques and jetons, which put a serious dent in my wallet and made some gorgeous additions to my collection (and which, yes, put me on that slippery slope Larry was talking about).
Keep those knees black-and-blue, Bob -- I want some of those Kursaal Oostende placques and jetons that are becoming obsolete the end of the month!!
Ditto Scott Blackburn, who came down from Canada. We had a couple of very nice conversations and I added some great Canadian chips to my collection. Next year, Scott, bring your wife and daughter -- we'd all like to meet them.
And Top Newby, our resident retired jarhead; the slabfree Libertarian Pete Sanders; two long-time BB and email correspondents, Chuck Smorse & Jim Perlowski; as well as Florida Bob Ginsburg, Steve Goodrich, Chris Burns, Bob DeWitt, Tom Pleau and Steve Barber.
Which is not to slight the many friends with whom I was able to renew acquaintanceship during the convention -- was glad to see you all (but am not about to try to list all of your names).
My friend Glenda Blake and I particularly enjoyed the companionship of Paul & Peggy Sax, to whom we are indebted for introducing us.
Glenda, BTW, got into the spirit of things and even bought a few chips herself! She went home with an 80-pocket stock book with a bunch of chips and tokens (she'll be surprised to discover that she already has one which is selling for more than $100)!
Thanks to everyone for the gracious and friendly reception extended to her.
My only complaint about the convention is that it is TOO SHORT. Wayne, Belinda and everyone else responsible for organizing and running the convention did a great job. Thank you all.
Looking forward to next year already.
----- jim o\-S