Need a partner to get a table for the convention.
- I have very little merchandize to sell
- Mostly a few things and 2 small collections in albums (One mine, the other consignment)
- First time, mostly for fun!!
- Only need 1/3 of the table, and a chair we can probably "borrow from the hotel", the partner can have the rest
- Do not really need back space, partner has it
- Do not need signs, displays, or any advertisement, partner can do that and call the table his.
- My health will not allow me to stay there all the time, so partner will have extra space during different times.
- Just need 1/3 of the table, a display case I will buy, and a chair, but will pay for 1/2 of the table!!
-And, my wife will be on the table, she is pretty, but that is just a bonus (no touching) You touch YOU KEEP!!
I do not have any weird habits and I will be fed & poopy trained by then!
Let me know at First come basis, although I have the right of refusal so please do not hang a sign, I will !