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The Chip Board Archive 24

Re: Las Vegas new new release
In Response To: Las Vegas new new release ()

• February 10, 2016 10:59 Stratosphere Gets Random:� As part of the property's ongoing "Take Vegas Back" campaign (which highlights "Old Vegas" staple values, like no-cover lounge entertainment and free parking), during the months of February and March the Stratosphere will be rewarding members of the loyalty club with "Random Acts of Rewards." Throughout the promo period, room upgrades, free meals and drinks, casino free play, and other "rewards" will be bestowed on visitors throughout the property at employees' random discretion (so remember to tip your cocktail waitress!)�

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Las Vegas new new release
Is It House Chip or LE? Thanks Joe
Steve pretty sure it's a le and
I don't understand what they will and won't sell f
it a hit or miss sometimes they do and
take vegas back? whats that about?
Not sure bill
Here you go Bill
LOL thats for sure...thanks
They also have room keys and slot cards with the
Re: Las Vegas new new release

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