Hi Pete, my apologies, rest assured that I did not mean to mislead...what I meant was that no email addresses would be sold...EVER...and none of your contact info,(ex. mailing address, name),would be shared or released to anyone besided another member that you are involved in a transaction with.
We thought by allowing the bidder/seller to click on the username, and the email address to come up...that we were keeping it simple. Many people have expressed that they didn't like the way ebay had you go through extra steps to aquire an email address in order to simply ask the seller a question.
I researched the other online auction houses, and each and every one reserved to right to SELL, SHARE or RELEASE any users info...And they do JUST THAT!
We have no desire, or intent to use any users info for any purpose besides making selling/buying easier for all users.
Sorry for any confusion Pete...sincerely,
Dan Mills