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The Chip Board Archive 24

New find!! or ChipGuide/catalog is wrong!!!!!

According to the catalogs, the Flamingo Hilton produced two distinct types of $1 "Las Vegas, NV" chips, the reguler grid inlay and the smooth inlay.

However only one type of inlay in the "Las Vegas" chips (without the NV).

Interestingly, the chipboard, which goes about the same line, does not have a picture scan of the SMOOTH "Las Vegas, NV" chip.

I just realized that I have a variation of grid & smooth inlay, but in the "Las Vegas", without the NV, chips!! See below.

So, is this a new find, or was the variation always in the Las Vegas chips only and not in the Las Vegas, NV, chips?? In which case the catalogs/guide were incorrect??

A question to all chipologysts!

Messages In This Thread

Help! Chipologysts, Am I missing any Flamingo $1?
Re: Help! Chipologysts, Am I missing any Flamingo
Thanks Jerry, I would except that.....
Re: That Brown $5 is a beauty!
yes! my 1 month old baby! Proud daddy here! Thanks
Re: Congratts!! You must be a proud Papa grin
Wasn't There Someone on this Board..
Re: Help! Chipologysts, Am I missing any Flamingo
I am jealous! Nice chips!
New find!! or ChipGuide/catalog is wrong!!!!!
Re:Sorry, WRONG!!!!!!!! Please see
Re:Sorry, WRONG!!!!!!!! Please see
Re:Sorry, WRONG!!!!!!!! Please see
Re:Sorry, WRONG!!!!!!!! Please see
Re:Sorry, WRONG!!!!!!!! Please see
Touchee' !
I enlarged the scan and it shows cross hatching on
Re: Help! Chipologysts, Am I missing any Flamingo

Copyright 2022 David Spragg