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The Chip Board Archive 24

Re: alittle help please
In Response To: alittle help please ()

The Kings Crown Casino was a planned casino in Vegas that never opened. The few original chips made with shaped inlays are collectibles.

People liked the design and TR King made a ton of reruns over the years. They used the Kings Crown chips as a line of their stocked chips. Those have simpler inlays and different edge spots. Most of the variations are in that link above. In addition to this, a few people from the home poker chip market ( organized their own group buys using that inlay, with different edge spots. Some even got hotstamps dies made for it. Some with denominations, some without. Your chip was made on one of those hotstamp dies.

Messages In This Thread

alittle help please
Here's The Purple...
thank you
Re: alittle help please
thanks for the great info
Here are some pics

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