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The Chip Board Archive 24

Re: When is the Election?
In Response To: When is the Election? ()

The Nominations Form is in the current CCN magazine, which is enroute to members, with a revised postmark deadline of February 6, 2016 and receipt deadline of February 13, 2016. The ballot will be included in the next issue of the CCN with a postmark deadline of May 7, 2016 and receipt deadline of May 16, 2016. We will count the ballots and the results will be announced on the ccgtcc website, The Chipboard and the Slot Card BBS. The results will be certified at the ccgtcc Annual Meeting, during the Convention, on June 25, 2016. The final report on the 2016 ccgtcc election will be included in the CCN issued after the Convention.
Bruce & Mary Ann Massey, ccgtcc Election Co-Chairmen

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When is the Election?
Re: When is the Election?

Copyright 2022 David Spragg