In 2003 my husband and I were at the Cal Neva. We were given a tour by one of the security's a few things that we saw
The Frank Sinatra Celebrity Showroom, which still had Franks' piano on the stage...
I don't remember, off the top of my head, which was whose...but cabins #3 and #5 were reserved for Frank Sinatra and Marilyn Monroe...
No one was registered in either cabin that day, so the guard let us in both of them. While we were in one of them (Marilyn's, I think) he was called away. He told us that we could stay and look around, and just lock the door when we left! I thought that was pretty cool of him.
And Frank's parking places were still reserved...
One, or both, cabins had a tunnel that went from the cabin to this closet....which was used to store ski equipment, in 2003.
And with this view, it's no wonder that the celebrities hung out here...