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The Chip Board Archive 24

Re: Silver Spur token may be from NEbraska, not Ne

Nebraska used to be abbreviated as NB (at least in Post Office abbreviations). In 1969, it changed to NE for Nebraska. Nevada was abbreviated NEV until 1963 when USPS gave all states 2-letter abbreviations.

I started earning a living in 1960; the youngsters on the bb may not remember the change grin .

However, I think you are probably right with Nevada for the Fernley plastic piece. The Nevada Casino Promo Token book only lists trinkets from the SS in Reno and Carson City, though. Yours may be a scarce one!

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My haul from yesterday...
Nice! grin
Re: My haul from yesterday...
Silver Spur token may be from NEbraska, not Nevada
Re: Silver Spur token may be from NEbraska, not Ne
Re: Silver Spur token may be from NEbraska, not Ne
Love the Stag Salinas chips
Great group of chips Charles

Copyright 2022 David Spragg