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The Chip Board Archive 05

Greg Susong Chips

Just a personal note of thanks to all of you who contributed to make the award for Greg possible, it was well deserved.
The chips we had made, have all been mailed and you should be receiving them shortly.

I would also like to echo Leonidas' thanks to Dick Covington, Chris Colangelo, Gene Trimble and Wayne Thompson. Without the help of these people this would never have been possible.

Once again I would like to explain that this effort took place through private e-mails to keep it as a surprise, NO ONE was overlooked on purpose.
If you should want some of these chips for your collection, we suggest a donation of a check to the CCGTCC the amount is left to your discretion. You will receive 4 chips [all the same].
E-mail me for more info if interested.

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Greg Susong Chips
Re: Greg Susong Chips

Copyright 2022 David Spragg