sorry I'm late on the recap again....ok, so no one is sick or hurt and Probst shows up in camp in the middle of the night, you know its not going to be good news. Terry's son is in the hospital and he needs to go home. Later we find out he needs a heart transplant and is doing fine now. Tough break for Terry as he had a good chance to go far.
So all 3 tribes show up for the reward challenge, but we only see 2 slip n slides, so we all know whats coming, and yet everyone pretends to be shocked when Probst says....drop your now we have 2 tribes....Later we see Woo saying “To be here on Ta Keo and be amongst the majority of the alliance feels like I’m finally in tune with this game and I get to play.” uh, guess what...
also Savage says “I’m not going anywhere" so he wont be long in the game probably. but first the Immunity Challenge, and another great one, gross food..... pig snouts, tarantulas, giant water beetles,pig brains, and deep-fried frog, and of course the 2 teams are tied with the last item coming gross is that, I think I could do all but the last. Anyway its Tasha vs Kass, and its not even close, Tasha wins, so its TC for Ta Keo.
Hey, look my girl Ciera, speaks for the first time. Actually I think she has spoken 2 sentences before this. Savage makes a big, big mistake....Ask instead of tell, isnt that Survivor 101? I know the game has changed somewhat but still, you ask instead of tell. First Savage tells Kass, Spencer has got to go, then he tells Ciera the same thing but adds, we will use you as a pawn and tell Spencer you are the one we want out. First of all Savage should have asked "who should we vote out, that way you get others to reveal their hands, while keeping yours to yourself, Right?
Now instead of telling Ciera she will be the pawn, again, you ask instead of tell, and if youre going to volenteer a name, make it yourself. This made Ciera way to nervous, she didnt want her name out there and for good reason. She actually probably wanted Savage gone but didnt know if Abi would turn on him, so she suggest Woo to Kass and Abi becuse she knows Abi would go along with that, after all, Woo wrote her name down twice. So Kass becomes the wild card, will she vote Spencer, who she doesnt like, or Woo? She votes Woo and he goes home and Spencer, once again, lives to fight another day.
Looks like a merge to 1 tribe this week and Chaos Kass is back. oh, remember that bracelet that Abi made such a stink about? I'm thinking it has some type of magic power, because everyone that Abi has targeted, has went home.
best quote of the night....Spencer....“My fate tonight lies in the hands of Chaos Kass… God help me”
Pete Klinger..............Abi-Maria Gomes
Bobby Stoops............Andrew Savage
Steve Gobel.............. Jeff Varner...4th to go, Abi thinks her vote counted, didnt matter who she voted for, Jeff would still be the one voted off.
Bill Purcell.................Ciera Eastin
Dennis Berry.............Kelley Wentworth
Dennis Berry.............Jeremy Collins
Roger Herman...........Kelly Wiglesworth
Ralph Myers.............Joe Anglim
James Stroud.............Peih-Gee Law...3rd to go...blindside, dont get on Abi's bad
Dan Cooley................Keith Nale.....6th to go
Virgil Foss.................Shirin Oskooi....2nd to go...too bad Abi couldnt keep her mouth shut, it would have been a nice blindside.
Mike Downey............Kass McQuillen
Steve Clark................Spencer Bledsoe
Ricky Pushkin............Kimmi Kappenberg
Tim Hopkins..............Terry Deitz...6th to leave because his son was in the hospital.
Robert Likes.............Monica Padilla....5th to go, a great blindside, she really had no chance of winning.
Ricky Pushkin............Vytas Baskauskas....1st to go..why?..tribe will regret this instead of sending Abi packing.
Richard Jezeski.........Stephen Fishbach
Mike Downey.............Woo Hwang...7th to go...Woo without a clue, to nice of a guy to play the game.
Pete Klinger................Tasha Fox