I repsectfully disagree with Gene on this one. They did not use the House mold on any of the $1 and the 50-100,000 other $5 rack chips that were made. Why not then make ALL the chips house mold, if you paid for the mold?
The Flamingo just recently did the same thing. Most of the issues (for 29 yrs) of Flamingo Hilton chips were done in the house mold, from the $1 and up. When they dropped the Hilton name last year, the new chips are H & C molds. With the EXCEPTION on the $100 and $500 chips. Are all of the $1, $5, $25, $1000 and $5000 chips error chips? They paid for the new house mold, did they forget? As Gene would say,"DUH!!!" I don't think they forgot, nor did the boys at the Venetian. Now Gene might not have ordered chips this way, but apparently two other properties did, for whatever reason.
I think that other properties over the years have had a mix of house mold and H & C molds. Some properties even had H & C molds, Chipcos and Bud Jones chips at the same time!*vbg*