This chipboard is selling chips from every European city, every continent, every State in the Union and every fantasy chip ever made. There has to be 10,000,000,000, Chips! And you think that some gullible collector is going to unload his dollars on you? Vilnius Lithuania, where the H$$% is that? You have killed the golden goose. 5$ limited Edition Nevada chips can now be bought for $3 You have forgotten the definition of RARE, exceptional, outstanding, unparalleled, peerless, matchless, unique, unrivaled, inimitable, beyond compare, without equal, second to none, unsurpassed, superior, superlative, first-class. Fiesta, Rizal, Philippines, find that on a map.Who can't live without a chip from there? Every time a new chip from some island, continent, or Indian casino sells it is one less dollar invested in a chip that just might grow in value because other people just might want it. I am talking about Nevada chips that were made for the tables, not for collectors and have a historical value like chips from the Flamingo, Sands,and other Historic Casinos. Tahoe chips have a huge following, small town chips can be very rare and hard to find. New Nevada chips are presented every month, the chance of them increasing in value is nil. Buyers and sellers do yourselves a favor, deal in Nevada chips and both of you will prosper!