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The Chip Board Archive 24

Illegal door of the day

Yesterday I revisited the son of one of the old time gamblers. When I was there ten years ago, he wouldn't let me see the private basement or the door leading to it. But we are both older now!
After the big raid in 1948, gambling was driven underground and his home was one of the places that held the "Big" games. You are looking at a door constructed of 2x4s screwed and glued into each other--so the door is basically 4 inches thick. That is a 2 inch steel bar that fits into a hole on one side and into one heck of a bracket on the other. The door is perfictly balanced.
Yes, finally "The Joints of Jeffersonville" manuscript will be ready for the convention next June.
Hats off to Jim, Mark, Terry, and Jim, Dave, ED, Gene and everyyone who has invested the time to write a book. I had no idea of the amout of time it would take to do the research and documentation of each small club.
Paul in Jeffersonville

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Illegal door of the day
Very cool !
that's awesome....
Great Door Until . . .
Re: My cellar story

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