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The Chip Board Archive 24
DAMN!! I spent your dollar on a hot dog at Costco
In Response To:
Even though you are STEALING with...
NO CURRENT "gimmechips" eBay auctions
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I'm offering 1,000,000 to 1 odds
Even though you are STEALING with...
DAMN!! I spent your dollar on a hot dog at Costco
I hope you are happy, WHINER!!!
I liked your original requirement -- that Fred's
A Hot Dog and a 16 Oz. Drink at Costco...
All funds mus be in a escrow
Re: I'm offering 1,000,000 to 1 odds
Why are we poking the bear or challenging someone
Please, Dan chill out!
Fred was...
Re: Please, Dan chill out!
Fred was...
Hey, Butch!
How do you like...
Angels w/be lucky to win 1 of 3
Re: Hey, Butch!
How do you like...
Me too, Butch!
You are both right
Andy 100% correct
Hey Andy
Re: Why are we poking the bear or challenging some
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