I'm sad by this news because like we can noticed in this thread and worldwide is the increasing of intolorence. People are more and more intolerent about anything and everything. Which lead to violence. And sadly in the USA if you pile statistic.
#1 of incarcerated people
#1 most saturated prison 102.5%
#1 gun owner with 88.8 per slice of 100 (iraq is #7 with 34.2/100) (japan 0.2/100)
#1 homicide rate in the G8 country's
Racial descrimation on the rise with a high unemployed rated and on top of all that still this day in some southern state there is still segregated prom night I mean What the ...
I sincerely hope that economy kicking back in soon to cool off tension in the USA because it's gonna be worst in a near future.