I see DIRT in the hats...and that is all.
And a little something around the edges of the hats and in the canes that LOOKS like traces of dried up Elmer's glue. It isn't glue - but it LOOKS like dried up glue... kind of.
And in the light - the "gluey-looking-traces-of-whatever" COULD be considered "a shine" by some people's standards. (not by mine though)
There SEEMS (maybe) to be a "coating" of something in them too... like dried milk. (hahahaha)... or worn out shellac. or... - filmy...
maybe it is because I equate "shiny" with "clean" - and that I can't see "shiny" being used to describe ANY chip that doesn't contain metal. (except I just did - below - about the Harold's chip...
I did because IT looks shellacked or coated with the stuff they use on cars!
It is "shiny". Is IT a CJ?? NOPE!