To make it easier for you and the rest of us, you may want to divide the collection in types of chips if you know, or geographicla areas. For example, the first break up is to divide Nevada chips vs non- Nevada chips and foreign chips. After that you can break it down further once you get the hang of it. But, would start posting in those categories. Then you can look at old illegas, type of chips, like crest & seals, jetons, mothjer of pearl chips and others.
You may also tell this board, what percentage of the above categories you have, that way we can get an idea of the type of collection, the original collector was trying to accomplish.
Good Luck! Feel free to ask as many questions here before you dispose of your precious inheritance. But, warning, chips are at a low right now, unless they are very good. So, do not get disappointed too early if things are not as you may have expected. Hope you do well!