The chips are currently with Bob Bickford in Ohio. I got an e-mail from him yesterday saying that they arrived and he was hoping to put them back in the mail on Monday. I understand people being excited for the package to arrive but how quick it gets to you is determined by how long people take to look through it and get it back into the mail. Jamison, as you requested you are near the bottom of the list due to your schedule. I will try to post updates once in a while (last one I posted was on 8/4) to keep people informed. Thanks aND I hope everyone has fun with this. Dan
Also, here is a copy of the order the package will be shipped. Rob Lange did get back to me and will be added to the list. Also I had at least 2 other people want to participate and depending on how long the package takes to get around, I may or may not add them.
Dennis BerryÂ
Robert Mc ColumÂ
Keith E. BeardenÂ
Charlie WilsonÂ
Bob BickfordÂ
James HickleÂ
Rick PokrackiÂ
Steve MillerÂ
Mike PellerinÂ
Allan McCurdyÂ
Steve GwozdziewiczÂ
Jamison PikeÂ