Around 2002-2003 I was able to purchase some nice Cuban Ivory & bone chips. During one of the purchases, they tried to sell me these chips as "Cuban" and "Ivory" along with the Cubans. I know there were not Cuban for sure, even if they may have used them there, and I believe(d) they were not bone. But, did not want to discourage my sellers as by then the bones and Ivory from Cuba were mostly gone, and went ahead and purchased them, while letting the seller know that I knew what they were not! I still really liked them and was impressed by them, and kept them with my Cuban Ivory & bone collection.
Yesterday glancing at my ivories saw them again & realized that I never followed through trying to get an ID., So, will start today.
The rectangular appears French or French Island, based on the F (Franc) but if you see, it has an imprint that says "Turf Club". The rest are as you see. I used the red hot pin test, which I have been doing for yeas and quite good at it. The pin went right through a dot in the TC rectangular (always test them by putting the pion in a dot so not to damage the look of it). I literally burned my fingers trying to make a dent on the round ones and nothing. But, they still look like bone to me, so either high quality bone or low quality ivory (lol). I have always though they were Americans.
In any case, would love to hear opinions. May be quite simple for some!
Thanks for Your help!!