by mail.
I must receive any checks no later than the 19th which means they need to be mailed SOON !!!!!!
After that the only way to buy tickets will be at the membership table at the convention.
To date only 318 tickets have been sold.
That means with 13 packages worth over $400 each your changes to win a package are 1 in 24 !!!!!!
We are still behind last years sales and really need your support.
This is your chance to win:
A Brand new IPad Air $400 Value
4 Engraved bottles with your name - $200 Value
4 Sets of San Souci Chips valued at $150 a set
Tons of Chips, Tokens, Slot cards and MORE !!!
PO Box 691085
Houston, TX. 77269-1085
Thanks again to all the donors and those that have already purchased tickets !!!!!