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The Chip Board Archive 24
I'm in for the A.C.E. pledge
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Do U want to take the 2015 A.C.E. pledge ???
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Do U want to take the 2015 A.C.E. pledge ???
U do not have 2 B a club member, but follow rules
Two More Pledgers..A.J. & Donna Giametta
I'll take the pledge. Thanks, Ralph
ACE #5 no longer Pending I'm in 😀
Re: ACE #5 no longer Pending I'm in 😀
Re: Do U want to take the 2015 A.C.E. pledge ??? *
Re: I'm in, I made the pledge
Re: I-ll Take the ACE Pledge.
I want to make an ACE pledge
I will of course take the Ace pledge!
I'll Take The Pledge
Steve, Count me in !!!
No 10 is in!
13 is in
David, everything is in you hands Thank You
YES! I will take the ACE Pledge!!
I take the pledge again this year
Steve, I'll take the A.C.E. pledge. Thanks.
OH YEAH!!!!!!
I will take the pledge...
Fred Hempel Is Pledged
Geri Hempel Has Pledged-Thanks-A6173
I hereby take the pledge!! Thanks Steve!
A.C.E. #3 & A.C.E. #6 take the pledge!!
I need to add to my A.C.E. collection
I'm all in
I'm in
Count Me In!
Count me in again please!
Joe the national creeper pavlik will do it
ACE Me Im In
Re: 86 me again old buddy - CU SOON!
I'll take the pledge!
I'm in for the A.C.E. pledge
I'll take the pledge.
Re: Do U want to take the 2015 A.C.E. pledge ??? *
I want to pledge..Thanks HFS
Re: Do U want to take the 2015 A.C.E. pledge ??? *
I will take the A.C.E. Pledge!
I take the 2015 A.C.E. pledge !!
Yes, Please add me Steve. Thanks !!!!!!
I'll gladly take the pledge.
Hi Steve! I want to take the ACE Pledge again!
I'm In!
I take the A.C.E. Pledge!
I'll take the pledge thanks
I am in for A.C.E. 2015!
I'm in, thanks Steve
WE are in. Al & Ann McCurdy
I take the Pledge!
Re: Do U want to take the 2015 A.C.E. pledge ??? *
I Aced This One - I'm In
Count Me in
Count me in!!! Steve, you're an ACE!!
Yes, I do!
I take the pledge!
I'll take the pledge!
A.C.E. pledge 2015... I'm in!!!! TY Steve
Please add me Steve, TY
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