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The Chip Board Archive 24
Dan -- my daughter will take a spot if you have
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You're in - 4 more
a need to fill spots at the end.
Steve Bedo
Messages In This Thread
Kentucky Derby contest! Hurry up and enter!
My wife and I are in - 16 more needed
Fred DeKeyser is in - 15 more needed
I'll take a spot. Thanks
You're in - 14 more needed
I'm in. Thanks
You're in - 13 more needed
I am in. Thanks.
You're in - 12 more needed
Fred Hempel Is In Please
You're in - 11 more needed
Geri Hempel Is In Please A 6173-173
Geri Hempel Is In - 10 more needed
One more rule
Re: Kentucky Derby contest! Hurry up and enter!
You're in - 9 more needed
I'm in, Thanks
You're in - 8 more needed
Re: Kentucky Derby contest! Hurry up and enter!
I'm in.
You're in as long as you have a US address -7 more
I will take a spot
You're in - 6 more
Re: Kentucky Derby contest! Hurry up and enter!
You're in - 5 more
I'll enter for a spot!
You're in - 4 more
Dan -- my daughter will take a spot if you have
Steve, she is in - 3 more
I'm in!
You're in - 2 more
Dan - put my wife in for a spot
She is in - 1 spot left!!!!
My daughter Carliana will take the last spot!
We are full!!!! Horse picks coming shortly
Here are the picks!!! Good luck everyone
Wow! Hard to believe.
Congrats Robert and thanks, Dan
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