Our city has been expanding at a phenomenal rate. When I moved here 11 years ago there were 11,000 people in the city. Today there are over 30,000 and still growing. I live at the very end of a 1 mile long dead end street. Even though I can throw a baseball and hit the city limits I live in the county. I am 2 miles from the Freeway, shopping mall, Lowes, Walmart, etc. Yet at night the sky is dark enough to see all of the stars and it is dead quiet.
A company has been putting in very large industrial buildings in the neighborhood (about half a mile away) and now has a proposal to add this 1 million square foot building right across the street from me. This will destroy our quiet neighborhood with truck noises 24/7. To give you an idea of the size of the building the orange area is the neighbors total 55 acre farm. Not only is the building huge but the property is about 40 feet higher than mine so no matter what they do I will still see the building, hear the noise and see the lights from the 258 truck bays. My house is circled in red. The neighbors are so mad that we have hired a lawyer to help us kill this proposal and we have been having the meetings at our house. We even had tee shirts printed for when we go to the planning commission and board of commissioner meetings. One real estate agent has said that our property values will go down by 75%. Not good for a neighborhood where most of the people are retired and have a large part of their money tied up in their house.