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The Chip Board Archive 05

Re: Scans
In Response To: Scans ()


For chips I would recommend a scanner rather than a digital camera. I think the scans come out better.

As for the camera AOL is selling for $60, I don't know what it is, but I suspect it is a camera with no removable memory. This means that you can take as many pictures as fit in the camera and then you must hook up the camera to the computer to download them. That is OK for around the house, but a hassle for other things.

With Cameras with removable memory, you can insert a new disk or card in like inserting new film.

I bought an Olympus D-460 Zoom for around $250. It has many features including 3X optical zoom and 2X digital zoom plus a panaraoma mode that lets you piece together multiple pictures (The picture of Camden Yards below is from 3 photos I took last weekend (I have reduced it by 75% of its size).

When you think about its not a whole lot more than the $60 AOL wants and it can actually replace your regular camera.

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Re: Scans
Greats seats!
Re: Camden Yards
Re: Camden Yards

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