I do all of those things for the chips I collect, Larry. The chips I value most are the ones I know were in play at one time. I do collect some LE's for clubs I specialize in to keep the collection current.
LE collectors are a part of the hobby. I wouldn't dare try to prohibit any club member from collecting as he likes. I do say that buying unplayed chips from a dealer as they are issued requires a different collecting attitude than collecting chips that are made to be played and have history.
Regarding profiteering in the sale of chips to other collectors, you and I both do that [g]. It helps support the habit. I like to think the markup I make on current chips I pick up in passing is small compared to the time it takes. I wouldn't pass these chips along if I didn't appreciate the inclinations of other collectors to have these pretty chips and want to give them a hand in adding to their collection.
I'm sure you and the other readers apprciate my 'tongue in cheek' reference to "chippin.." and the slogan that has worked so well for the anti-slabbers. There's a grain of truth in both the slogans [g].