Seems to me the maker is responsible for all the chips he makes anyway, Gene. If there is going to be mail room theft, it will happen now when a few disappear from the shipment to the casino.
However, my proposal is mostly in jest, as I realize the practicalities will probably never be overcome. However, it WAS done with tokens in the 60's, in the example I gave.
Really, I was hoping to get LE collectors to examine what and why they collect these things. Do they really only want pieces of plastic with a casino name on them? Have they no interest in collecting things that have to do with gambling itself? My proposal is only the limiting case of what is happening now. Club orders chips, receives into cage, 'chip services' pick them up after standing in line or tipping an employee to facilitate things, service sends the pieces of plastic to the collector, who puts them in his binder. Why not cut out the middle men?
Chip service collecting ain't chippin'!!