From the 2001 Proxy Statement and Annual report.
On this vote they help the voters by recommending HOW to vote. Much like herding sheep.
Proposition #2 Vote for ratification of independent auditors.
YES- No Brainer.
Proposition #3 Shareholders want Publication of names (to shareholders) of people who are in positions of : Vice Pres. & above, Lobbyist, legal council, or investment bankers, who in the past five years worked for the government (Fed, State, local, etc).
**Could these employees that NOW work for ExxonMobil use their past influence?**
Board Recommends VOTE AGAINST
Proposition #4 Two Directors nominations. Share holders want 2 people to choose from for each position in an election, not 1.
**Everyone runs unopposed! DUH **
Board Recommends VOTE AGAINST
Proposition #5 Board to adopt policy on ‘Inclusion & Diversity’ (Fortune 500 companies only 9% have minorities, women, etc..)
**Remember TEXACO and the “…too many black jellybeans?”**
Board Recommends VOTE AGAINST
Proposition #6 Executive Pay and Downsizing. Shareholders want to top executives to ‘Freeze’ their compensation for ONE YEAR following a major layoff or downsizing of 5% or 2000 people.
**Cut heads and pass out bonuses for top execs.**
Board Recommends VOTE AGAINST
Proposition #7 ANWR Drilling. Shareholders DO NOT want to drill on a tract that is only 5% of Alaska, can already drill on the OTHER 95%.
**We still have untapped resources on North Slope, It’s the ‘last frontier’ for many animals, & Exxon STILL has not and REFUSES to ever pay Alaska punitive damages (5 Billion) for the Valdez (remember that one?).
Board Recommends VOTE AGAINST
Real Tough Question: Who are these guys pulling for?